È una fotogiornalista torinese che ha studiato fotografia a Barcellona, dove ha iniziato a dedicarsi al ritratto e al reportage, spinta dal suo interesse per le tematiche sociali e ambientali. Nel 2009 è stata nominata fotografa dell'anno ai FIOF Photography Awards. Da allora lavora come storyteller, dando voce a contesti emarginati e a storie di vita rilevanti.
Tra il 2015 e il 2019 ha esplorato il mondo del misticismo, documentando le culture indigene di cinque Paesi e diverse credenze. Nel 2020 ha ricevuto il fondo di emergenza COVID-19 dalla National Geographic Society per coprire la brigata medica cubana in Italia e successivamente a Cuba. Questo lavoro è culminato nel libro “Juntos” ed è presente in “Inside the Curve, Stories from the Pandemic”, pubblicato dalla National Geographic Society. Nel corso della sua carriera, Diana ha indagato in modo approfondito e ampio sulle relazioni personali.
Nel corso degli anni, il suo lavoro è stato pubblicato in varie riviste come The Guardian, The Washington Post, GEO Magazine, National Geographic e Elle. Ha inoltre collaborato con diverse ONG, tra cui Amref Health Africa e NPH ad Haiti. Le sue fotografie sono state esposte in diversi Paesi, tra cui la Francia in occasione di Visa Pour L'Image 2020, a Nuova Delhi durante l'Indian Photo Festival e a Lodi per il Festival della Fotografia Etica nel 2019.
2022. Book Beyond the Construction Site with Marsilio Editore, client Assicurazioni Generali
2021. Set Photography for the movie “Peripheric LOVE” by Luc Walpoth, an Italian and Swiss production
2021. Book Juntos, The Cuban Brigade, with Robin Editore
2021. IPA Award, 2nd Place / One Shot – Our Times/Family
2021. IPA Award, 2 honorable mentions / One Shot – Our Times
2021. Honorable Mention Best from Italy at the World Water Day Photo Contest
2021. Part of The Covid Visual Project https://covid19visualproject.org/
2020. Recipient of the 2020 National Geographic Society’s Emergency Fund for Journalists
2020. Special guest speaker on the 2020/21 course of medical anthropology at the University of Magna Grecia, Catanzaro, Italy
2020. Px3 Prix de la Photographie Paris, 2 honorable mentions
2019. Street photography award winner at Photo Chronicles
2019. Talk during Phair, Photographic Festival in Turin
2019. Recipient of the journalistic European grant “Frame, Voice, Report!”
2018. Selected by Grin with the project Animal’s Lover
2018. Street Photography Magazine interview
2017. One Eyeland Photography Award finalist2017 IPA, Animals’ Lovers. 2nd Place in Special Friendship
2017. Grand-prize winner of the 2017 Rangefinder’s Best Friends, series “Different
2017. Px3 Prix de la Photographie Paris, honorable mention
2017. Winner of the Feature Shoot Emerging Photography Award
2016. PDN award, Photo Annual 2016, category Personal
2010. Conference during the International Festival of Photography at Orvieto (FIOF), Italy
2009. FIOF award, First Prize in Reportage and Photographer of the Year
Mostre e esibizioni
2024. Exhibition of Animal’s Lover for EFFE22, Padova
2023. Exhibition of Mystics in Casa del Contemporaneo, Napoli
2022. Open-air Exhibition for the Skip the Ordinary Beauty project, client Keglevich
2022. Exhibition of the DOORS project, started in 2019, to react at educational poverty in Italy, at the Teatro del Lido di Ostia, Rome
2020. Exhibition in Perpignan, Visa Pour l’Image, Covid Funerals (published by NZZ Switzerland)
2020. Exhibition “Splash!” about micro plastic in Palazzo Ducale of Genova
2020. Exhibition “ForEverest” in MACA, the environmental Museum of Turin
2019. Exhibition during the Festival Fotografia Etica, Lodi.
2019. Exhibition during the Indian Photo Festival , supported by National Geographic
2019. Exhibition “The Ong Photographers”, a project in collaboration with Amref
2019. Exhibition during Milano Photo Week, “Talking Hands”, with the NGO No Walls
2018. 17th China International Photographic Art Exhibition (CIPAE) with two projects selected, Animal’s Lover and The Bukut
2018. One month Artistic Residence and Exhibition in Wilson, NC, USA, for Eyes on Main Street Festival
2017. Solo exhibition in the Instituto italiano di Cultura in Sidney during the Head on Photo Festival, series “Different Friendship”
2017. Exhibition during the festival Eyes on Main Street in North Carolina
2016. Exhibition in China (Hangzhou and Lishui) Italian Scent of Beauty
2015-2012. Collaboration and frequent exhibition in The Allen Gallery in Turin, Italy
2013. Solo exhibition in Palermo, Italy
2013. Exhibition in the art fair The Others, Turin, Italy
2013. Exhibition in the art fair Set Up, Bologna, Italy
2010. Solo exhibition in Patí Limona Gallery, Barcelona, series Virreina 3