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Marta Sarlo was born in Trani (Italy) in 1983.

Between 2006 and 2007 she realizes the reportage “OPG Aversa: Prigione d’identità” (“OPG Aversa: Prison of Identity”) at the Judicial Psychiatric Hospital in Aversa. The work is exhibited during the International Festival of Photography in Rome and receives a special mention in the photography contest “Attenzione Talento Fotografico FNAC” (“Attention to the Photograpy Talent FNAC”) in 2007.

In the same year, she concludes the three-year master’s degree from the Roman School of Photography, joining the agency “Contrasto”.

Since 2008 she is among the photographers selected from the Reflexions-Masterclass, the international seminar for the professional training to contemporary photography.

In 2009 she wins the award “Canon Giovani Fotografi” (“Canon Young Photographers”) with “Angela”, a work on obesity.

In the same year she participates in the exhibition “ore 3 e 32” (hours 3:32), within the first edition of “Reportage-Atri Festival”.

In 2010 she realizes for Cesvi a work on the emancipation of the women in Morocco which turned into the exhibition “Femmes, il Marocco che cambia nelle storie delle donne di Larache” (“Femmes, Morocco that changes in the stories of the women of Larache”) at the “FORMA”, the International Center of Photography in Milan.

Nel 2011 partecipa alla mostra e al libro “Altagamma. Eccellenze italiane contemporanee”, che offre un ritratto d'autore delle aziende più significative del made in Italy, lavorando per Valentino, Bulgari, Ferragamo, Danese e Isaia.

Nel 2015 il suo lavoro sul terremoto in Abruzzo del 2009 viene esposto nella mostra “Italy INSIDE OUT” a Milano.

Roma, Italia




OPG Aversa Judicial Psychiatric Hospital: prison and identity


  1. Canon Young Photographers prize
  2. Attention to the Photograpy Talent FNAC

Mostre ed esibizioni

2015. “Italia INSIDE OUT “. Palazzo Lombardia. Milan, Italy
2010. “Femmes, Morocco that changes in the stories of the women of Larache”. International Center of Photography FORMA. Milan, Italy
2009. “hours 3:32”. Reportage-Atri Festival. Atri, Italy
2007. “OPG Aversa: Prison of Identity”. International Festival of Photography. Rome, Italy

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